Hi, My name is Aditya
and I am a

What i have done so far

Work Experience

HTML-CSS Developer (2018 - 2019)
I embarked on my journey to master HTML and CSS through online tutorials, practical projects, and continuous experimentation, fostering a solid foundation in web development.
Python Developer (2019 - 2021)
I immersed myself in Python, leveraging online tutorials, books, and hands-on projects. Through consistent practice and exploration, I honed my skills and problem-solving abilities.
Java Developer (2021 - 2022)
I embarked on my Java journey through immersive online courses, hands-on projects, and collaborative coding sessions. Consistent practice, curiosity, and dedication fueled my learning, paving the path to proficiency.
NodeJS Developer (2023 - present)
By exploring JavaScript's server-side capabilities, mastering Node.js frameworks, and collaborating on real-world projects, I evolved into a proficient Node.js developer, adept at building scalable and efficient web applications.
C++ Developer (2023 - present)
Currently immersed in mastering algorithms with C++. Combining theory with hands-on practice to enhance problem-solving skills and deepen understanding of data structures.